Friday, December 17, 2010

RIP Garen

Riot decided to kill Garen. They took away his early game damage and transformed him into a boring gotta-farm-the-whole-game champion. Even if you do that you won't be able to achieve anything. Garen is easily surpassed by other carries.

Playing Garen as a tank right now is laughable. The damage he deals is close to zero. Garen can't tank anymore. All he can do is to soak some damage and that's it. He cannot CC and jungle like Amumu, he can't initiate and stun like Malphite, he can't taunt like Shen and Galio.

Going full AD on Garen isn't viable either. He is a true glass cannon as a few patches before they nerfed his movement speed. So we have a slow, melee carry dps that dies in 2 seconds if focused.

The only way to play Garen now is as a hybrid (DPS/Tank) and that means some items for survivability and health and some for damage. The problem here is that on the majority of games, you won't be able to complete your build and get advantage of his late game buff. The basic plan is to first get a survivability item (Sunfire, Frozen mallet, thornmail etc) and then start focusing on DPS items. If you start with damage items then you are risking to die a lot and have a horrible late game. Something that will happens if you are playing against decent players.

As an example we have a basic build of: Mercury boots/Boots of swiftness, Sunfire cape and Last Whisper. Unfortunately by the time you finish this "basic" build the majority of your games will be finished. With those items the damage you can do is quite low for a DPS carry. Also if the game lasts for longer and you are able to finish an Infinity Edge then your opponents will start doing so much damage that your Mercury boots + Sunfire cape can no longer protect you. So we are back again at the case of the pure AD carry where you die in 2 seconds.

But those are all details. What really killed Garen is that they took away all the fun from this champion. They took away his "character" if you'd like. Garen was the champion that was hiding in every brush waiting to decimate you with his Judgement. He was the champion that offered you fun right from level 1. All that is now gone. If you try to judgement on your opponents at level 1 they will probably start laughing at you and nuke you down. The damage is so nerfed that you have trouble killing creeps even.

Community-wise, since Garen was one of the most "hated" champions in game, most people even though they can see that the "nerf" was too much, they don't give a damn. They are happy that Garen has turned into a "useless" champion. They are happy that he will no longer harass them at level 1 or kill them while they "facecheck the brush".

Garen lost his early game, which was what made him fun and special. Garen offered so much in League of Legends. He brought people together, haters and lovers. He tought them to shout DEMACIAAA!!! He gave them so many reasons to laugh with the brush jokes and dozens of funny youtube videos and songs. Riot took all those away in a single patch. Let's hope that they will fix this soon something which i hardly doubt seeing the fate of other champions in LoL (Soraka, Gankplank etc)

RIP Garen. We will always remember you for the great times you gave us. All of us, haters and lovers. Let's all say again for the last time, demaciaaa... only that this time we don't shout, we whisper.


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