Saturday, December 18, 2010

Garen nerfed

Riot took away Garen's tanking. Now let's see about his DPS that they supposedly fixed it.

Garens base damage at level 18 is 111.66.

Old Garen with 200 bonus AD
(111.66 + 200) * 0.7 = 218 damage from AD

New Garen with 200 bonus AD
200 damage from AD.

Reaching 200 AD in a normal game is almost impossible unless you play full AD Garen in which case you will be a true glass cannon and die in 1 second before you can even finish your judgement. But the point is that even by reaching 200 AD which is quite a big amount, Garen still hasn't exceeded his pre nerf damage.

So they take away his tanking and they take away his damage. What else is left?

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